Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Measures During COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 or Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the Coronavirus who develop COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without medical attention. Those over 70 as well as those with underlying health conditions are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is for all individuals to be well informed about the virus, how it spreads and the symptoms associated with it. Those working for Regal Kitchens need to protect themselves and others from infection by washing their hands regularly (or using an alcohol based rub or sanitiser frequently) not touching their face and keeping 2 metres away from others where possible.
General Precautions
These general precautions will support the risk reduction measures which will follow: –
1 – Working from home will be enforced for each individual who can work remotely
2 – 2 metre distancing will be adhered to wherever possible, with staff reminding customers at the entrance to the building, where 2 metres is not possible, 1 metre with extra measures must be practised
3 – Staff will be reminded and encouraged to increase frequency of handwashing
4 – Hand sanitiser will be available in each part of the showroom and office for both customers and staff to use
5 – There may be times when close working is required, this will be avoided where possible, however where it cannot be avoided, activities will be kept to 15 minutes or less wherever possible, with back to back or side to side practises adopted wherever possible
6 – Staff and customers are required to wear face coverings at all times whilst in the showroom
7 – Self isolation guidance will be given to staff, who will be supported and encouraged by the business
8 – Any member of staff with a high temperature and/or new or continuous cough, will be instructed to self-isolate at home for at least 7 days. Any staff members with family members with the symptoms or who have come into close contact with someone testing positive for the virus are to self-isolate for 14 days
9 – Support for staff who are contacted by the governments’ ‘track and trace’ service are advised to self-isolate
10- Guidance will be provided to staff on hand washing and social distancing with regular reminders
11 – Staff will be given a briefing when returning to work to introduce new protocols with updated Government and Public Health England and HAS guidance distributed to staff when issued
Customers browsing
Who Might Be Harmed
Employees and other customers
How Might they be Harmed
Exposure to the coronavirus from those who may unknowingly be infected and spreading the virus
Risk Control Measures
Limiting the number of customers in the showroom at any one time.
Hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance as well as every room in the showroom, customers and staff will be encouraged to make use of it
Staff to remind customers of the requirement to wear face coverings
By Whom
By When
Prior to reopening
Customers using brochures, swatches and samples
Who Might Be Harmed
Employees and other customers
How Might they be Harmed
High touch points could lead to increased chance of exposure to the coronavirus
Risk Control Measures
Brochures/swatches/samples to only be given to a customer if they plan to take it home with them, hand sanitiser offered for use before items are handed over and each item sprayed with sanitising spray before it is removed from the building
By Whom
By When
Paying deposits or balances owed
Who Might Be Harmed
Employees and other customers
How Might they be Harmed
Frequently used PDQ machine between customers could lead to increased chance of exposure to the coronavirus from those who may be infected but unknowingly spreading the virus
Risk Control Measures
Online banking transfers encouraged, if PDQ machine being used the unit must be disinfected before and after every customer and hand sanitiser used
By Whom
CEO and Staff
By When
Collections & Deliveries
Who Might Be Harmed
How Might they be Harmed
Exposure to the coronavirus from drivers who may unknowingly be infected and spreading the virus
Risk Control Measures
Delivery drivers to remain in their cabs while staff unload delivery items
Alternatively delivery drivers can leave items outside for staff members to bring indoors
By Whom
By When
Staff only areas/office area
Who Might Be Harmed
How Might they be Harmed
Exposure to the coronavirus from those who may unknowingly be infected and spreading the virus
Risk Control Measures
Staff who can work from home will be encouraged to do so
Face to face meetings will be kept to a minimum and held via telephone or video call
Increased hand washing encouraged or use of hand sanitiser
By Whom
By When